Short Course on Reference plagiarism publishing course


1. Introduction

University of Nairobi Enterprises and Services (UNES) Limited in collaboration with The Library Department will be running Short Course Training on the following topics:-


2. Target audience

The course targets Researchers, Academics, and Postgraduate students, Librarians, Authors and Managers.

3. Course Background

The emergences of automated citation and referencing software have now made it easier for all those who venture into scholarly writing. Writing and presenting quality academic papers take time. There are diverse online open source software that make citation and referencing a bliss. There is therefore need for researchers and scholars to have the requisite search and citation skills for effective research output and adherence to academic integrity.

Plagiarism is considered a major academic malpractice, therefore the Automated Referencing and Plagiarism Detection short course training, is aimed at addressing the vice. The short course also intends to build the capacity of the participants in terms of equipping them with necessary skills to effectively cite to avoid plagiarism.

Publish or perish holds true in most research and academic environments, but a single publication in a high impact journal can make a huge impact on one’s academic career path. The course will equip researchers and postgraduate students on writing skills and on how to publish in high impact journals and books

4. Objectives of the short course training

1) Equip participants with citing and referencing skills using Zotero and Mendeley Bibliographic Management software
2) Train participants on how to use Turnitin to detect plagiarism.
3) Enhance academic writing.
4) Equip participants on how to publish in high impact commercial and open access journals and books

5. Learning outcomes:

At the end of the short course training, the participants should:

1) Download, install and use Zotero and Mendeley to cite and reference their work.
2) Produce quality scholarly write-ups.
3) Publish scholarly articles and book chapters in high impact journals and books

Course structure:

The training will cover the following broad thematic areas: Zotero, Mendeley, Turnitin and publishing in high impact journals.

Mode of instruction:

Presentations will be delivered through PowerPoint presentations, interactive sessions and practical. Participants will be required to have an internet enabled computer.


1) The course will take 4 days
2) Participants can select to attend any or all of the three courses.

Venue: Computer Lab, Jomo Kenyatta Memorial Library, UoN.

Cost: Ksh. 7,000 per course (Including Meals)

Please note that all payments shall be made to UNES Consultancy Account;
Account Number 03-073-2252452, Barclays Bank of Kenya, Westland Branch:

Barclays Bank of Kenya, Westland Branch

For more information please contact the following Coordinators:

Library Department
Rosemary Otando: Email:
Phone: 0736881793
Esther Obachi: Email:
Phone: 0724804541

UNES Limited:
Seith Abeka E-Mail:
Phone: 020 491 3908
Phone: 020 491 3930/1

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