UNES is committed to offer quality products and services in Consultancy & Partnerships, Bookstores, Hospitality and Agency Management Services that meet its Customers’ requirements and endeavour to exceed their expectations.

The Management is committed to provide resources to comply with the requirements and continually improve the Quality Management System in line with ISO 9001:2015 Standard.

The Management shall develop Quality Objectives derived from the Corporate Strategic Plan and the Service Charter. Management shall annually review these objectives for continuing suitability to improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System.

The Management shall ensure that the Quality Policy is communicated and understood during Staff Induction and Training. All UNES Personnel are required to understand the Goals of the Company and apply the Quality Management System Documentation during products and service delivery.

The Management shall continually monitor and annually review the Performance of the Quality Management System to ensure its Suitability, Adequacy and Effectiveness.

Seith Abeka


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